Fulham fc

Sports- West London side Fulham has made a decent start to the new premier league season as they have won 1 game, drawn one and lost 2 games in the 4 games which they have played.

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Fulham fc make decent start to the campaign
By Avideep Nandi Majumdar
West London side Fulham fc has made a decent start to their premier league campaign as they have accumulated 4 points from opening 4 games. They had started their season with a smash and grab 1-0 win at Everton. Despite being dominated in that match, with Everton missing clear chances and showing profilgacy in front of goal, Fulham took 1 chance and defeated them. However they were unable to follow on from their win and in their next match list 3-0 at home to fellow West London rivals Brentford. In their next match against London rivals Arsenal, Fulham squandered a lead to draw 2-2 away at Emirates. In their last match before International break, they had lost 5-1 away to Manchester City at Ethiad. It seems like this season Fulham will also finish in the mid table with the start that they have had.