Tamil Nadu Governor Leaves Assembly Without Completing Address

In a shocking incident, Tamil Nadu governor R.N. Ravi left the assembly as his suggestion to play the National Anthem at the beginning of the Assembly was ignored on 12th February, Monday in Chennai.

Rupanjal Chauhan
New Update
R.N. Ravi

R.N. Ravi

BY A STAFF REPORTER: In a shocking incident, Tamil Nadu governor R.N. Ravi left the assembly as his suggestion to play the National Anthem at the beginning of the Assembly was ignored on 12th February, Monday in Chennai.

He stated "My repeated request & advice to show due respect to the national anthem and play it at the beginning & end of the address has been ignored. This address has numerous passages with which I convincingly disagree on factual and moral grounds. I lending my voice to them would constitute a constitutional travesty. Hence, with respect to the house, I conclude my address. Wish this house a productive and healthy discussion for the good of the people"

He refused to read the address provided by the government. Subsequently, Ravi left the assembly without completing the address.