Clean the house before the Poila Baisakh! Note these tips

Keeping a few things in mind while cleaning the room can change the mood of the room. You can even change the appearance of the room.

Anusmita Bhattacharya
Updated On
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y a staff reporter: Before Poila Baisakh, Bengalis clean their houses on the day of Chaitra Sankranti. Note a few things.

  1. If you plan how to clean the house in advance, it will work faster. Planning takes 10-15 minutes. What to clear in a room, what to move, when to do what — get these three plans done.
  2. We all find torn or unused items whenever we open the cupboards. This Chaitra saiy goodbye to this mess. It is inauspicious to keep torn things in the house.

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  3. In addition to cleaning the house, if there is an outbreak of insects, rodents, etc., spread chemicals in the corners.

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