One Earth, One Family, One Future

the two themes of "One Earth · One Family · One Future” and “building a community with a shared future for mankind” are of great significance as they can help the countries to walk together to achieve a common goal...

Rupanjal Chauhan
New Update
One Earth, One Family, One Future

"One Earth · One Family · One Future” and “building a community with a shared future for mankind”

By Dr. Avijit Banerjee 

During the G20 summit in Delhi, Indian PM Shri Narendra Modi put forward the theme of “ One Earth, One Family, One Future” which seems to have some similarities with the Chinese concept of “building a community with a shared future for mankind”.

The phrase "One Earth · One Family · One Future” incorporates a vision of unity and hope for the world. In this world, there are different countries, different religions, languages, and cultures, but we all share a common attachment as members of the human race. Each of us is interconnected, and what we do will have far-reaching consequences that affect not only ourselves but the entire world.

The present world is facing a number of challenges like terrorism, Climate change, deforestation, pollution, etc. If these problems are not timely solved then it will affect all the countries and people of this world. Under this background,  the two themes of "One Earth · One Family · One Future” and “building a community with a shared future for mankind” are of great significance and they will help the countries of the world to walk together to achieve a common goal transcending national borders and ideological divides. The countries of the world should listen to each other, and understand the sensitivity of each other.

India and China are two ancient civilizations and both countries have the potential to lead the world. The two countries need to be more responsible to see the well-being of the world. Therefore, the time has come when all the countries of the world should work together as a family to ensure a sustainable future for future generations. 

One Earth · One Family · One Future” and “building a community with a shared future for mankind”

( The views are personal to the author and ANM News is not responsible)

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