What is the theme for National Science Day 2024?

Big news about National Science Day.

Aniruddha Chakraborty
New Update

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BY A STAFF REPORTER: Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Dr. Jitendra Singh released the theme of "National Science Day 2024", which is titled "Indigenous Technology for Evolving India".


The theme of National Science Day (NSD) for this year's celebration reflects public appreciation for science, technology and innovation, and the strategic focus on tackling challenges through indigenous technology for the benefit of all who can succeed Indian scientists.

The theme not only heralds a new era, but also presents opportunities for the public and scientific fraternity, both domestic and international, to collaborate, to work together and contribute to the well-being of India and humanity as a whole. While emphasizing the importance of making India self-reliant through science, it also emphasizes the need to address issues that are significant to humanity as a whole.