By A Staff Reporter : Hindu families are busy with the preparation for Puja for the occasion of Janmashtami. But do you know, at what time do you worship it gives auspicious results?Hindus believe that celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna at 12 noon on Janmashtami brings success in life.
On Janmashtami, fasting is done and special puja is performed. Just as worshiping Laddugopal at midnight brings happiness and prosperity, money is never lacking.Child Krishna i.e. Gopal is worshiped on Janmashtami. Puja is not possible without his idol or picture. Also want seat, rolls, vermilion, almonds, betel nut, flower garland, kamalgatta, yellow cloth, banana leaves. kush and durba, panchmeb, ganges water, honey, sugar, tulsi leaves, pure ghee, curd, milk, seasonal fruits, Fragrant, Panchamrit, flowers.Kumkum, Akshat, Gahna, Moli, Tula, Tulsi Garland, Coriander, Abir, Gulal, Mika, Turmeric, Saptamritika, Saptadhan, Jhula. Offerings or sweets for Abhishek, small cardamom, cloves, incense stick, camphor, saffron, sandalwood, butter, sugar candy, pitcher, lamp, incense, cocoanut, copper or silver vessel. Besides, peacock feathers, flutes, cow idols, garlands for Baijayanti, red cloth, tulsi leaves, jewellery, thick crowns, cucumbers, clothes for offering to Ganesha, clothes for offering to Ambika will be needed.