BY A STAFF REPORTER: A new year is coming. A new year means new resolutions. New promises. But we always stop following new resolutions after a week. And then the old habits come back. We always make mistakes in one place, due to which we have to stop our resolutions midway. We want to stop all our old habits at once and start new habits. That is where our problem lies. If we can follow the resolutions slowly, then we can follow the resolutions throughout the year. Here is a list of good habits that we can easily bring into ourselves-
Gratitude Journal- In this case, we can write a diary expressing gratitude. We can write this journal expressing gratitude for what we have. The best quality of a gratitude journal is that it helps us to remove the fatigue of our mind. Along with that, we can write the next day's routine the night before. In this, our day runs in a lot of order.
Family Time- While chasing after career, we forget to give time to our family. Later we regret not getting time. We can also find time for our career by giving time to our family. Otherwise we have to regret.
Making our own budget- It is very necessary to make a list of our expenses at the beginning of each month. As a result, our expenses are within the limit. Sometimes our expenses increase a lot due to emotions. Which affects our savings.