Samajwadi Party Leader Maulana Mohibullah Nadvi Opposes UCC Implementation in Uttarakhand

Maulana Mohibullah Nadvi of the Samajwadi Party argues that the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Uttarakhand will infringe upon religious freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, urging respect for personal laws of all communities.

Sumit Kumar
New Update
Maulana Mohibullah Nadvi

By A Staff Reporter

Delhi: Samajwadi Party leader Maulana Mohibullah Nadvi has voiced strong opposition to the proposed implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Uttarakhand, warning that it could undermine the religious freedoms enshrined in India's Constitution. In a statement on the matter, Nadvi emphasized that the Constitution guarantees the right to religious freedom and the right of individuals to follow their personal laws, a principle he believes the UCC would violate.

"Our Constitution has guaranteed religious freedom to each and every citizen of this country. UCC will hamper this religious freedom," Nadvi said, addressing concerns raised by various communities regarding the potential impact of the UCC. He further stated, "As far as the Constitution is concerned, everyone knows that the Constitution gives us complete freedom to follow our personal laws—not just to Muslims, but to every community."

The leader pointed out that Muslim organizations have consistently opposed the UCC, asserting that its implementation would infringe upon the rights of the communities to govern their personal matters in accordance with their traditions and beliefs. "All Muslim organizations have always opposed UCC because we think it will hamper religious freedom and it will harm our personal laws," he explained.