Easy way to remove bad breath in the body

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Easy way to remove bad breath in the body

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Food - Body oders can also increase due to some foods. Non-vegetarian stench is more in the body of non-vegetarians than those who eat vegetarianfood. For example, meat, eggs, pizza, garlic. This food contains bad smelling bacteria. Which also causes bad breath in the mouth. Therefore, to remove the bad breath of the body, you also have to bring changes in the diet.

Clothing – Some clothes may cause bad breath. Such as synthetic. Natural fiber, however, does not increase that problem. Linen, wear cotton clothes. You can also wear vest cloth if you want.

Bath with soap - There are many people who just pour water on their body and come away. He doesn't bathe with soap. Thinks chemicals will damage the skin. Nor do many want to work hard behind soap because of laziness. If you do this, you will not get rid of the bad breath of your body even in life. You will get a lot of herbal soap in the market. Which is low in chemical quantities. Choose the same soap.