The approach of Chinese medicine in the treatment of malignant diseases

New Update
The approach of Chinese medicine in the treatment of malignant diseases

Ina Stasevic, Beijing, China

 Although China is technologically highly developed in medicine, the approach to treatment is based on their cultural and historical experience. This also applies to the treatment of malignant tumors. The approach to therapy can be non-invasive (strong UV rays, radiotherapy, chemotherapy) and invasive (operations), and the standards of European medicine are applied in Chinese clinics. However, at oncology clinics, therapy also includes traditional Chinese medicine such as acupuncture, homeopathy, phytotherapy, quigong (the art of breathing) and meditation. Optimizing the internal Qi energy boosts immunity which destroys tumor cells. 

These methods are used to maintain immunity that has been weakened due to illness and therapy, and to reduce the negative consequences of radiation and chemotherapy. Therefore, success in the treatment of malignant diseases in China is based on the ancient knowledge of traditional medicine and the latest knowledge in genetics, biochemistry, cytology, radiology and surgery. Conventional medicine recognizes the causes of tumors in physical, chemical, microbiological, psychosomatic and genetic factors, as well as bad habits. Obviously, the cause of the disease is not clear. Chinese medicine looks for causes in the metaphysical field, the psycho-energetic interaction of consciousness and body with the environment. Therefore, strengthening and healing the entire organism is the key to success. Special attention is paid to early diagnosis using the most modern methods such as tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography, contrast radiography, ultrasound, biopsy and laboratory testing. In this respect, there is no difference between oncology clinics in China and those in Europe and the USA.

Thanks to state funding, a large number of modernly equipped oncology centers have been built in China. Among the most famous are the Oncology Clinic of the Institute of Oncology of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, then the Fudan Cancer Center of Shanghai University, Xinjiang Hospital in Urumqi, Jiang Guo Medical Center, Clifford Clinic and numerous other institutions. They perform the most modern medicine in combination with traditional techniques. Innovative surgery using the Gamma knife has become a standard, and the indications for its use are becoming wider. The Cyber ​​knife radiosurgical system is present, which has greater advantages in the treatment of tumors because it enables the removal of tumors and metastases anywhere in the body (it has a more powerful beam of photon rays). In addition, China is considered a world leader in the application of HiFu therapy (high-intensity focused ultrasound technology) with numerous researches and long-term clinical application.

Due to the traditional approach to the treatment of diseases, Chinese oncologists believe that there is no such thing as an incurable disease, and their approach is based on the view that a tumor can be treated at any stage of the disease. In order to be successful, the immune system must be strengthened in a comprehensive approach to treatment. It is a combination of modern and traditional medicine. In this sense, phytotherapy (chitosanm, hylokan) and mushroom spore therapy are included in the therapy, for which oncologists from the West are showing increasing interest. The most commonly used plants for the treatment of cancer are Astragalus. Privet, Ginseng, Codonolysis, Atraktilodes and Linchzhi - strengthen non-specific immunity and increase T-cell function. Alternative treatment methods include rich experiences from traditional Chinese medicine, and the foundation is the establishment of a normal Qi energy flow, because the tumor itself is an external manifestation of energy imbalance in the body.

Traditional Chinese medicine in establishing a diagnosis uses the establishment of eight principles through a physical examination of the patient, diagnosis of the tongue and pulse along with monitoring the symptoms of the disease, based on which a holistic image of disharmony is created. Many doctors in China say that the best results against cancer are achieved through a combination of Eastern and Western medicine, as well as following a special diet, Chinese gymnastics and physical therapy. Interest in researching traditional Chinese medicine is present in the West. Thus, a collaboration was established between experts from the University of Cardiff (Great Britain) and scientists from the University of Beijing in researching the effectiveness of traditional in combination with conventional medicine.

It can be concluded that in the treatment of malignant diseases, in addition to traditional treatment methods, Chinese doctors apply the results of good clinical practice of Western medicine along with the achievements of genetic engineering and the application of innovative techniques.