Google's AI solves 50-year-old protein problem

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Google's AI solves 50-year-old protein problem

​Own Correspondent: The discovery of protein structures could be AI's biggest contribution to life sciences, which can lead to drug discovery. Human evolution has been a constant process and so has the development of the medical world around us, the key to which is the genome structure. The human genome contains more than 20,000 protein instructions but only one-third of them have been prescribed. Now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has predicted structures of almost all human proteins, which have confused scientists for decades in the past. AI developed by Google's DeepMind has collected databases of Alphafold genomic instructions and is making all available online for researchers to use for free. Proteins have been a challenge for scientists for decades due to their unique and confusing 3D structure made from amino acids. Google's AI has solved 50-year-old protein problems, and discovered the three-way structure of life's elusive building blocks.