Recruitment at Goa Shipyard

New Update
Recruitment at Goa Shipyard

By a Staff Reporter: Good news for job seekers. Recruitment is going on in multiple posts in Goa Shipyard. A total of 253 vacancies. Recruitment is going on for the posts of Technical Assistant, Office Assistant, Cook, Plumber, Mechanic, Welder, Fitter, Unskilled etc. If you have a diploma in ITI with 12 class pass, you can apply for the job.

Age - SC, ST - 38 years. Disabled - 48 years.

          OBC - 36 years. Disabled - 46 years.

         General - 33 years. Disabled - 43 years.

Salary - will be fixed after getting the job.

Visit the Goa Shipyard website ( to apply. Last date of application is 28.04.2022.